The Four Fundamentals for Fantastic Interiors

When I began my career in Home Staging and Interior Design, I often found myself in the position of explaining a difficult process to homeowners preparing to put their homes on the market or invest in refurbishing. I found it best to approach every moment with ample compassion and clear communication to ensure that my clients knew that I not only had a plan, but that I had their best interests at heart. I boiled the overall process down pretty quickly to what I call “The Four Fundamentals”:

Author, Owner/Designer Noel Gatts

Author, Owner/Designer Noel Gatts





BEFORE beam&bloom interiors

BEFORE beam&bloom interiors

AFTER beam&bloom interiors

AFTER beam&bloom interiors

For any home improvement project or re design, start by FIXING the things that you know are not working. To even define what needs fixing takes some thought and observation. Sit in your space. Look around at each wall and note the things that look worn or broken. Walk through and test the lights and doors and furniture to see if there are flickers, creaks or squeaks that could be improved. This could mean changing a light bulb, tightening a knob, patching a nail hole or finally getting that leaky pipe or broken fixture repaired. Once these little (or big things) are taken care of, you’ll not only feel better already with the functional improvement, but you’ll know what’s left of your budget!

BEFORE beam&bloom interiors

BEFORE beam&bloom interiors

AFTER beam&bloom interiors

AFTER beam&bloom interiors

This next step is a freebie and maybe the most important with the most immediate impact. FILTER! Take stock of all the “things” in your space. Address their visibility, appeal, functionality & sentimentality. If they no longer rate over 90% in one or more of these categories, or if you KNOW they could serve another person or family better than yours and you feel good about sharing, then it’s time to let them fly. If things are really damaged or unsafe, then dispose of them appropriately. If they could be of use to someone, take the time to find the proper route for donating! We have loved giving through the VVA and local shelters and churches. If you could really use some extra cash, it’s so easy to post items to Facebook Marketplace or other local social media groups, being careful to take reasonable precautions and follow guidelines. I think that this step is the easiest and most accessible to truly anyone and everyone with a home base.

BEFORE beam&bloom interiors

BEFORE beam&bloom interiors

AFTER beam&bloom interiors

AFTER beam&bloom interiors

Now, it’s time to consider the function and FLOW of the space. How do you want to use it? How do you want to move through it? Do you want to create more fluid energy, or a complete stop and stay mode? There are actual shapes and layouts that create certain energies. I’m not an expert in Feng Shui, but the little I do know about it I subscribe to fully. The energy that we allow to flow into and through our spaces translates directly to the energy that we propel ourselves with when we are in them. Use round coffee tables or edges to support more movement in a space. Rectangular pieces convince energy to sit and stay. Make sure that there are comfortable pathways for people and air to move throughout your space. So often this means PULL YOUR FURNITURE AWAY FROM THE WALL!!!! Am I yelling? My apologies. But, many interior creatives find it super frustrating that a majority of people seem to think that maximizing their space means leaving it empty in the middle. Nope. You can move behind and around chairs and sofas if it continues a comfortable traffic pattern through doorways and case openings. Try prioritizing the gathering of your seating areas around a focal point of a fireplace, TV or windowed view and simply ensuring that there is an easy way to walk around and sometimes through or in front of the seating. The general rule is 3 feet to comfortably create traffic flow, and much less to leave enough room around a coffee table. Just…try something new.

BEFORE beam&bloom interiors

BEFORE beam&bloom interiors

AFTER beam&bloom interiors

AFTER beam&bloom interiors

The FINESSE is the fun part and by far the most personal. You can play with color and pattern in your rugs and throw pillows and art with little risk. A designer can be your best friend here by bringing their experience, eye, relationships and resources to view your space in a new way. If you know what you like, you’ve got this! Experiment a bit. Maybe pull various items in various color schemes from around your home and gather them to try different visual combinations. If you’re more bold, try a brightly colored or uniquely shaped or textural sofa or chair. Please, do not neglect the importance of ambient light, sound and scent! Consider a floor or table lamp to allow for evening reading or focused light. Install dimmers to set a mood or reduce stress and anxiety. Utilize recessed lighting or a chandelier to add life and vibrancy to a dark day. If you’re a music lover, ensure that you have a place to project the sound that soothes your soul or gives you energy for a long day. Consider natural candles and essential oil diffusers for a healthy indulgence of healing fragrance. Top it all off with plant life! A few small to medium plant pots go a long way to add that organic element and help filter the air a bit. Flank a console or fireplace, fill an awkward corner and/or center a pretty plant on the coffee table for an instant refresh.

FInesse by beam&bloom interiors

FInesse by beam&bloom interiors

Though I still provide home staging consultations, my studio has transitioned to full time interior design…and still these “Four Fundamentals” guide our process! Our specialty has always been less about glam and luxury, and more about creating functionally creative spaces that suit the lifestyle and express the taste of our clients. To best really serve their needs, we need to FIX the things that cause stress or dysfunction, FILTER the things that no longer serve you, FLOW the energy and movement to suit the rooms purpose, and FINESSE to allow the space to tell a story and set a tone through color, texture, art and decor.